
Showing posts from February, 2023

Week 25

                                                  Great Things From the Week Thank you teachers for your flexibility during all this rain ELPAC almost completely done!! Thank you team CASSPP - Thank you everyone for getting this set up and ready to go BHM Assembly - Amazing job everyone.  FIELD TRIPS - If you plan to take a field trip this year please  fill out this link  before MARCH 1st, or you will not be able to attend. Please don't forget you have Buddy Teachers that you are expected to use when you are sending kids to detention, please  see attached. Nuts and Bolts If you are out, please notify Diana and put your absence in the sub system.  CBU students should be with the kids during your lunch break unless they have health issues, per CBU. Have them take your kids out, organize games, supervise eat time, and bring them back for you if you want.  CBU SCHEUDLE **Students will be assigned to a teacher, one per class and they will be with you either on Tuesday or Thursday from 1

Week 24

                                                 Great Things From the Week Last week of Tiger Academy Science Camp, so much fun! Science Camp for 2023/2024 school year will be September 27-30, so fundraising starts now! Candy Grams - We made $700 - thank you for the final push FIELD TRIPS - If you plan to take a field trip this year please fill out this link before MARCH 1st, or you will not be able to attend. Please don't forget you have Buddy Teachers that you are expected to use when you are sending kids to detention, please  see attached. Nuts and Bolts If you are out, please notify Diana and put your absence in the sub system.  CBU students should be with the kids during your lunch break unless they have health issues, per CBU. Have them take your kids out, organize games, supervise eat time, and bring them back for you if you want.  CBU SCHEUDLE **Students will be assigned to a teacher, one per class and they will be with you either on Tuesday or Thursday from 10:45-2:15, th

Week 22

                                                Great Things From the Week Last week of Tiger Academy IEP marathon day complete with lots of positive outcomes. Thank you to everyone who helped and participated.  Thank you Jo and Brandy for getting the AVID information planned. We will be setting up Summer Institute on Feb 14. Those who are attending have been notified. CST meetings for Special Education teachers, great job all! Lots of great conversations.  Lots of new students, thank you team for making them feel right at home. See Diana if you need a new agenda planner.  Please don't forget you have Buddy Teachers that you are expected to use when you are sending kids to detention, please  see attached. Nuts and Bolts The next two weeks are going to be busy. Lots of meetings and Science camp. As well as COVID making a touchdown at Harrison again. Please handle what you can and be gentle on the office if possible. I am putting out COVID test if you need some take some.  February 9