
Showing posts from November, 2022

Week 14

                                        Great Things From The Week Welcome Jessica Padilla, new TK Aide Thank you teachers for completing Parent Teacher Conferences Thank you Sanci for our Exploration Days! So fun! From Amber Staff members:  if you test positive for COVID please Notify Admin and call our Covid Nurse Jofi at 951-359-9092.  Reminder: If you are notified that a student has tested positive for COVID please notify Mrs. Hanna ASAP.  From the 100 MILE Club Good Morning Harrison Tigers-100 Mile Club T-shirt orders will be placed ONCE a month, at the end of every month. If you order a 100 Mile Club T-shirt at the beginning of the month, please expect to wait for it for several weeks to receive it. You can order the t-shirt at any time using the link below/  Link to order 100 Mile Club T-shirts- 100MileHarrison Message for Teachers- Please either leave students slips in Nicole Wobken's box or add them to the Track the Miles website when they bring them to yo