
Week 30

                                                    Great Things From the Week Testing is complete except for make ups and 5th grade - Thank you Ashley for CASSPP support 17 more days of school IEP marathon days - thank you team NUTS AND BOLTS End of year check off sheet coming soon Next week is staff appreciation - Monday Breakfast (PTA), Tuesday Lunch, Thursday Breakfast, Friday Lunch (PTA). Please don't forget you have Buddy Teachers that you are expected to use when you are sending kids to detention, please  see attached. From Amber Staff members:  if you test positive for COVID please Notify Admin, Diana and call our COVID Nurse Jofi at 951-359-9092.  Reminder: If you are notified that a student has tested positive for COVID please notify Mrs. Hanna ASAP.  FROM SHELLEY document/d/1Y- 0a9cKsnFbR8tyatRJbOQSrt5uNg6y1 Sc3MRppd_bU/edit?usp=sharing Chips for Chips Monday and Wednesday , Tiger Store Friday From the 100 MILE Club News Flash from the PTA: Pleas

Week 29

     TESTING STARTS TODAY!                                                Great Things From the Week MARIO MOVIE Getting CASSPP testing ready to go- Thank you to the staff who have prepped all the items as well as Roe and Thornton for all your hard work.  Orenda grade TK/K, 1, 5 and 6. Great job team! Please don't forget you have Buddy Teachers that you are expected to use when you are sending kids to detention, please  see attached. Nuts and Bolts If you are out, please notify Diana and put your absence in the sub system.  I will be placing Safety tags in your box. Once your review the safety around campus, please feel free to pass these out to kids as a sign of competition. Airhart added extra activities on the end of Monday Message. Respect and Responsibility have good lessons, safe and ready to learn are more reliant on your message.  January - Safe Feb. - Respectful March- Responsible April- Ready to Learn And a final Tag for full completion - They will be added to your box mo

Week 28

                                                  Great Things From the Week PTA Brunch. Thank you PTA and Reanna  Kinder and their first experience with oral health Shelley, Shannon and Carlos for always being ready to host district employees interested in our MTSS Everyone for getting Mario Movie ready to go Please don't forget you have Buddy Teachers that you are expected to use when you are sending kids to detention, please  see attached. Nuts and Bolts If you are out, please notify Diana and put your absence in the sub system.  CBU last day April 13th Please turn in all MARIO permission slips ASAP as you get them. We will accept them all the way until the buses roll. I will be discussing the final details with HILT. I will be placing Safety tags in your box. Once your review the safety around campus, please feel free to pass these out to kids as a sign of competition. Airhart added extra activities on the end of Monday Message. Respect and Responsibility have good lessons, saf

Week 27

                                                Great Things From the Week Thank you all for jumping right back in after Spring Break! 7 more weeks. Earthquake drill. Great job team. AVID CCI meeting. Thank you Jo and Brandy for getting our site AVID goals turned in. Three school visits last week by other sites and staff - they are so impressed with your work around MTSS.  PIZZA- Thank you nutrition staff for making pizza happen for TK/K and 1st Please don't forget you have Buddy Teachers that you are expected to use when you are sending kids to detention, please  see attached. Nuts and Bolts If you are out, please notify Diana and put your absence in the sub system.  CBU last day April 20th Please turn in all MARIO permission slips ASAP as you get them. We will accept them all the way until the buses roll. I will be discussing the final details with HILT. I will be placing Safety tags in your box. Once your review the safety around campus, please feel free to pass these out to kid