Week 28



Great Things From the Week

PTA Brunch. Thank you PTA and Reanna 

Kinder and their first experience with oral health

Shelley, Shannon and Carlos for always being ready to host district employees interested in our MTSS

Everyone for getting Mario Movie ready to go

Please don't forget you have Buddy Teachers that you are expected to use when you are sending kids to detention, please see attached.

Nuts and Bolts

If you are out, please notify Diana and put your absence in the sub system. 

CBU last day April 13th

Please turn in all MARIO permission slips ASAP as you get them. We will accept them all the way until the buses roll. I will be discussing the final details with HILT.

I will be placing Safety tags in your box. Once your review the safety around campus, please feel free to pass these out to kids as a sign of competition. Airhart added extra activities on the end of Monday Message. Respect and Responsibility have good lessons, safe and ready to learn are more reliant on your message. 

January - Safe

Feb. - Respectful

March- Responsible

April- Ready to Learn

And a final Tag for full completion - They will be added to your box monthly to add to the necklace every month. 

From Amber

Staff members:  if you test positive for COVID please Notify Admin, Diana and call our COVID Nurse Jofi at 951-359-9092. 

Reminder: If you are notified that a student has tested positive for COVID please notify Mrs. Hanna ASAP. 


Chips for Chips Monday and Wednesday , Tiger Store Friday

From the 100 MILE Club

A slide will be going out for 100 mile club.  All students who eared 50 miles will earn a pencil and all students who ran 75 miles will earn and pencil and a bracelet.  If you do not have enough of either please let Wobken know so they can be placed in your box. 

News Flash from the PTA:

Please submit photos to year book here:   https://plicbooks.com/go/RJRM27



April Character Focus: Ready to Learn: 💪Perseverance💪
MTSS Counseling Schedule this week:  

Morning Recess Gaga ball classes this week: 2, 4, 6
Tiger Den classes this week: TK/K (A), 1, 3, 5 - Tier 1: ALL students welcome
  • TK&K: Ms. Shontell will assist with Tiger Den; 5 students each - 15 max
  • 1st & 3rd grade: 10 students each - 30 max for AM recess
  • 5th grade: *NEW* Tiger Den Open Choice - students no longer need teacher permission, they may come as they please or need - 30 students max for AM recess
Lunch Bunch Focus: Friendship Slime (continuing by popular request) - Tier 2: SOME students welcome
  • Please pick *new* students this week that need support with friendships and social skills - 9 students max due to seating limitations
Yoga with Airhart: Monday yoga cancelled - Tiger Den Closed & Airhart off-site

MTSS Walk-In’s: If a student in your class is having a medium to large size problem and classroom interventions aren't workingfeel free to CALL AIRHART for pick up and/or send them to B5 during MTSS Walk-In time.  
  • Medium to large size problems include (TIER 2 & 3): 
    • Extreme emotion (grief, anger, sadness, worry, dysregulation) interfering with learning, 
    • Extreme conflict interfering with learning 
    • the student is in danger or feels unsafe, 
    • the student is at risk of hurting themselves or others, 
    • Extreme Academic/Motivation/Attendance redirection or intervention 
  • Note: They must have a “LET’S TALK” Slip filled out as their pass. If they don't bring one, they will be asked to fill one out on the B5 ramp. 
  • *IF AIRHART IS SPEAKING WITH A STUDENT, YOUR STUDENT WILL BE SENT BACK TO CLASS UNTIL AVAILABLE (due to confidentiality).  Airhart will call student back in when able.  Thanks for understanding :) 
Small Focus Groups: Upper grade Week -  Monday groups cancelled - Tiger Den Closed & Airhart off-site


Make sure you let us know what you are teaching, the students should know the objective of the lesson they are learning. They should have Essential Questions that they can answer at the end of the lesson. 

Make sure you are aware of the standards you are teaching, AND the rigor of those standards. Do not rely on the curriculum to meet the rigor. I placed an ELA standards progression document in your box.

Math Standards and Framework


Weeks Ahead


  • Morning Recess Gaga ball classes this week: 1, 3, 5
    Tiger Den classes this week: K (B), 2, 4, 6 - (TK&K, Ms. Shontell will assist with Tiger Den! Please select 4 students each)


4/10- Oreanda all day Room B5 and B6 (TK/K and 1st)

4/12- Teacher meeting in Library 

4/12 - MARIO MOVIE - Popcorn/drink and gummy candy provided. Lunches will be in classrooms when you return

4/12- Staff Meeting 2:15 Moved to 4/26 making classes

4/13- Brown offsite (AM principal meeting)

4/13- Roe off site AVID meeting all day

4/14- Orneda all day at Pachappa (5th and 6th) Brown will attend


4/17- Fire Drill

4/18- Orenda 4th grade all day (Roe will support)

4/18- First Grade Field Trip (Brown will support)

4/18- Brown and Roe leadership team meeting 3-5

4/19- Classified Meeting 1:30-2:30

4/19- HEARTS Intramural Track Meet at Beatty 2:30-5:30

4/19- Employee of the year awards 4-6 pm

4/20- Orenda 2nd and 3rd grade all day (Brown will attend)

                                TIGER ACADEMY MARCH 8- APRIL 20th                              


April 14 - Pachappa Elementary School

Grade 5 - Approximately 17 participants

Grade 6 - Approximately 17 participants

April 18 - Harrison Elementary School

Grade 4 - Approximately 18 participants

April 20 - Pachappa Elementary School

                                                    Grade 2 - Approximately 19 participants

                                                    Grade 3 - Approximately 19 participants


4/4- Jo Garland

4/9- Breanna Sutton

4/13- Priscilla Ramirez

4/15- Alyssa Ehinger

4/21- Carlos Wilson


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