Week 1


Great Things From The Week


Thank you teachers, and staff for getting the school year off to a great start.

A special thank you to the kindergarten team for the hours and energy you are putting into kids. I know how hard it has been and I see you, all of you.

Thank you to the support staff who has shown up everyday and just did what it takes for kids. Your hard work and love for Harrison does not go unnoticed. I see you and I appreciate everyone of you. 

The office is slowly coming together. We are slowly getting caught up and will start to pull ahead. Thank you team for your long hours and extra days you have put in to get kids in classes and what they need.

Thank you and welcome to all of the new Tiger Family Members - Welcome to the family. As you see new faces, team, say hi and introduce yourself. 

Thank you Social Committee, I hear a much needed social event is already on the calendar, thank you team. 


Students and staff are still catching COVID. If you are exposed you do not have to stay home unless you have systems, but you should test and take precaution.

We have masks, hand sanitizer and wipes available. See Amber the health clerk if you need any PPE. No one is required to wear a mask, but you may, what every you are comfortable with, same applies for all students. 

Unvaccinated are still testing weekly using the provided at home test. You may take what you need. 

I want you to feel supported and safe, so please communicate needs. 

Nuts and Bolts

QR Codes were put in your boxes, please make sure they are hung somewhere by your door so we can scan as we come through to give you some feedback. (We will start in a week or so- want to give you some time to settle)

If you missed the first day back meeting here is the link

The cafeteria serves snacks during recess at the kitchen window, if you have hungry kids, send them there at start or recess. 

Back To School Night Thursday - Please use the common slides that are being created. I will be scheduling a meeting for new staff if you want to meet in a small group and just go over the basics. Just accept or decline invite so I know your need. This will be outside of the MPR on the benches.

Times are as follows:

PTA and staff introduction 4-4:15

First Classroom Presentation 4:15-4:45

Second Classroom Presentation 4:45-5:15


Weeks Ahead


GAGA BALL - GRADES 2,4,6 This week. If they want to play at AM recess send them to the MPR. They must commit and stay for the entire recess, they can not go back and forth. There are benches in there if they want to have a snack first. 


8/15- Voluntary Back To School Prep Meeting for anyone that wants to go over expectations. 

8/16- 2:30-3:30 PTA Meeting (Virtual and IP options)

8/16- Brown and Roe off site after 3 for leadership meeting

8/17- Staff Meeting 2:15-3:25

8/18- Brown Offsite for principal meeting until 12:30

8/18-Back To School Night 4-5:15


8/23- Positive Behavior Team Meeting (Onsite- 2:15-3:15)


8/25- Brown meeting 8:30-11


8/18- Elizabeth Boutros

8/18- Shanda Pham


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